49 Germany

Turkish Logistics in Germany

UTIKAD President Turgut Erkeskin talked about the Turkish logistics sector at the meeting held in Bremen UTIKAD Chairman Turgut Erkeskin, Turkish-German Trade Network and German Logistics Association (BVL) [more…]

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34 Istanbul

3. feet of bridge ready

The bridge legs are ready! : Work on the 3rd bridge planned to be built between Sarıyer's Garipçe Village and Beykoz Poyrazköy continues. It was seen that the bridge's pile pits were opened. May 29, 2012 [more…]


A Land of Wagon Repair Factory Sold

A Plot of the Wagon Repair Factory was Sold by the High Council of Privatization; The area of ​​141 square meters on 13 blocks and 78.631,42 parcels in the Wagon Repair Factory area was sold for 3 million 148 thousand TL. [more…]

06 Ankara

High Speed ​​Trains Change Transport Habits

High Speed ​​Trains Change Transportation Habits. According to the statement made by TCDD General Directorate, in Turkey, which ranks 8th in the world and 6th in Europe in terms of YHT technology, the Ankara-Eskişehir project of the Ankara-Istanbul YHT Project [more…]


Göcek Tunnel will be Twin

It was reported that the new tunnel will be built by the General Directorate of Highways. Its construction started in 1989 and was completed and put into service in 8 after 13 prime ministers and 2006 governments. [more…]

eurasia rail conference program topics are announced

Eurasia Rail 2013

Eurasia Rail 2013 – The world's 3rd largest fair in its field, Eurasia Rail Railway, Light Rail Systems, Infrastructure and Logistics Fair, which opened its doors at Istanbul Expo Center, [more…]

16 Bursa

Bursan's Half-Century Cable Car

The dismantling of the wires carrying the old cable car, which was put into operation in BURSA in 1963 and has a place in the memories of millions of people over the past 50 years, has begun. New cable car line to be established [more…]

06 Ankara

Ankaraya Teleferik Dream and Unbearable

Cable Car to Ankara Dreamy and Irrational: A harsh reaction came from the Ankara Branch of the Chamber of Architects to the first public transportation cable car to be built in Ankara. Oda described the project as "a dreamy and irrational project". [more…]