35 Izmir

İZBAN flights have occurred

There was a disruption in İZBAN flights: Disruptions occurred in the suburban line flights between Aliağa and Menderes, which is one of the most important means of public transportation in Izmir, starting at 9.20 in the morning. [more…]

Asphalt News

3 years ago 60 TIR

The order 3 years ago was brought with 60 trucks. The giant asphalt facility, produced with the latest technology by the E-Mak company from Bursa, was sold to the German company at the Munich Bauma Fair. [more…]


Bond Owners React on the Ring Road

Vineyard Owners Reacted to the Ring Road. The ring road, which was built in Siirt city center in order to relieve the traffic problem, passing through the vineyards, attracted the reaction of the vineyard owners, and many adults [more…]