Behic Erkin

Who is Behiç Erkin?

Behiç Bey, who was born in Istanbul in 1876, graduated from the Military Academy in 1898 and the Military Academy in 1901. After 1904, he served as a staff captain and inspector of the Thessaloniki-Istanbul railway guard forces. During the Constitutional Monarchy period, in 1910 [more…]

Intercity Railways

Library was built in Erzurum Station

A library was built at Erzurum Train Station: A library containing books containing the historical, cultural and social structure of the city was built for passengers in the waiting room of TCDD Erzurum Train Station. Republic of Turkey [more…]

Intercity Railways

Train for Curiosity

Train Rental for Those Who Are Interested: TCDD provides passenger train rental services for special occasions such as weddings and engagements or sightseeing tours. For special occasions or travel purposes [more…]


Northern Ring Road Report from Müsiad

Northern Ring Road Report from Müsiad: Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD) Malatya Branch, for the Northern Ring Road, the construction of which started in 2011 and is expected to be completed in 2017. [more…]

Asphalt News

Mezitli Municipality Works on Asphalt

Mezitli Municipality Continues Asphalt Works: Mersin's central district Mezitli Municipality Directorate of Technical Affairs teams carry out asphalt construction, maintenance and repair works on various avenues and streets of the district. [more…]

Asphalt News

Asphalt Mobilization to Villages

Asphalt Mobilization to Villages: Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Melih Gökçek fulfilled the promise he made before the election and started the asphalt mobilization to villages. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Melih Gökçek, [more…]