Great interest in fast train in Konya

High speed train interest in Konya: The fastest train project, one of the biggest public investments in the history of the Republic, has attracted great interest since its inception. 2014 million 2 thousand passengers in 15 in Konya - Ankara and Konya - Eskişehir line preferred the high speed train for traveling.
The high-speed train project shortens the transportation time between cities and offers comfortable travel. Not only limited but also limited to contributions. It also brings important opportunities to the economy and cultural development of cities. The fastest train, which is the least criticized project of the government, has received intense interest since the first day of the voyages. In fact, only 2014 2 thousand passengers in 15, Konya - Ankara and Konya - Eskişehir line used the high-speed train to travel.
The highly anticipated Konya-Istanbul high-speed trains started with a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan at 17 December 2014. Thus, Istanbul, which connects the city of Mevlana with Konya and Asia and Europe, has become even closer. The 10-11 hour by bus took a lot of interest in the high-speed train, which reduced the travel time between Konya and Istanbul, which lasted for 13 hours to 4 hours. President Erdogan, announced that one week free of charge. Then the citizens flocked to the train station and promoted tickets in one day.
One of the biggest public investments in the history of the Republic is undoubtedly the fast train project. The network of cities, which significantly shorten the transportation time between cities, continues to expand. Finally, the Istanbul - Istanbul flights, 17 began in December with a ceremony. The ceremony was attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan, MPs, local administrators and citizens. 17 December 2014 was a historic day for Konya. The travel time between Rumi, Konya and Istanbul connecting Asia and Europe continent fell to 4 hour 15 minutes.
Between the days of Konya-Istanbul 2 going 2 return service is served. yht on; 06.10 and 18.35 from Konya, 07.10 and 18.30 hours from Istanbul, and Izmit, Arifiye, Bozuyuk, Eskisehir and Konya route is followed. Train from Konya to Istanbul, 409. This is the 55 business, the 354 economic seat. With the commencement of the Istanbul - Istanbul flights, a new arrangement was made during the flight and departure times of the HRCs. Accordingly, between Ankara-Istanbul-Ankara daily 10 voyage, between Konya-Istanbul-Konya daily 4 voyage, Ankara-Konya-Ankara daily between the 14 expedition, Ankara-Eskişehir-Ankara between the daily 8 expedition, including a total of 36 expeditions. Passengers who receive early tickets in HRCs will be able to travel at prices starting from 42,5. Discount external normal time in ticket prices as follows: Economy Class full fare 85 pounds, busıness type full ticket 119 pounds, students, teachers, members of the TSK is to 60-64 years, return ticket fields discount is applied 20 percent of tickets for the press. 7-12 age and 65 ticket prices are discounted by 50.
The high-speed train project doesn't just shorten the transportation time. It offers comfortable travel facilities as well as important opportunities for cities' economy and cultural development. A student from Ankara who is studying in Ankara does not have to rent a house. Businessmen trade during the day, get rid of the cost of accommodation. Citizens have the opportunity to see historical and cultural sites. It is stated that the number of guests coming to Konya, which is a historical and cultural city, has increased significantly with the high speed train which creates a great synergy. It is stated that the project accelerated in many areas ranging from industry to trade, from tourism to social life. The academicians living in Konya can go to the cities of Ankara and the surrounding provinces easily to carry out their scientific researches and researches.
From the day the project was launched, citizens showed an intense interest in the fast train. In 2013 940 thousand passengers, who wanted to go from Konya to Ankara and Eskişehir, preferred the high speed train for transportation. In the 2014 year, the figures increased. Last year, Konya - Ankara and Konya - 2 million 15 thousand passengers on the Eskişehir line, said - high speed train Konya for travel. Last year, 909 went from Konya to Ankara by high-speed train. The number of outbound from Konya, Eskisehir 133 thousand. 847 bin from Ankara to Konya, 126 thousand people from Eskisehir to Konya. 17 December xnumx't inaugurated in Konya - Istanbul line is free of the transport 2014 - 18 24 11 thousand people in December, while the total 452 18 thousand passengers were transported.
Turkey's first high-speed train project, Ankara - Eskisehir line was fantastic. 23 trial on April 2007 began, 13 March 2009 history was also the first passenger expedition. The 245-kilometer Ankara-Eskişehir line reduced the travel time between the two cities to 1 hour 25 minutes.
The second leg of the high-speed train project was the Konya-Ankara line. The foundation of the line was laid at 8 July 2006, and rail laying was started at July 2009. The trial was started on 17 December 2010. 24 was the first passenger expedition on August 2011.