Retired Workers and Civil Servants from TCDD 7th Regional Directorate came together

tcdd region met with retired workers and civil servants
tcdd region met with retired workers and civil servants

Afyonkarahisar TCDD 7th Regional Directorate came together with the retired worker and civil servant personnel in 2020. Retirees were presented with gifts at the ceremony.

At the ceremony held at TCDD 7th Regional Social Facilities, retired personnel, Railroad-İş Union Afyonkarahisar Branch Head Ali Aydın, Regional Director Deputy Hüseyin Erçetin, Regional Controllers Tahsin Hanlı, Ramazan Avcı and Service Managers did not leave the retirees alone.

TCDD 7th Regional Director Adem Sivri made the following statements in his statement.

It is a very large family with TCDD workers, officers and retirees. We are very pleased to meet with retired staff. As our region, we wish our retirees health and peace in their new lives. 164 is one of the largest and most established provider with years of history of our country thank you for the contributions they have made to the Republic of Turkey State Railways and the health of the new life, and we wish happiness and peace.

Retired personnel expressed their satisfaction for the ceremony and gift presentation organized for them, and thanked the Regional Manager.

Regional Manager Adem Sivri, in line with the program of gifting a watch with collar to retired personnel, which is identified with the railway, started by TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun, and a souvenir photo was taken with the greetings of TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun. .

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21 Diyarbakir

Bus Services Increased on the Elidolu and Dicle University Route

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