Kayaş Irmak Kırıkkale Çetinkaya Electrification Facilities Construction (Section VIII) Completion Work
2 companies submitted bids to Kayaş Irmak Kırıkkale Çetinkaya Electrification Facilities Construction (Section VIII) Completion Work Tender of the Turkish State Railways Enterprise TCDD 2019nd Region Purchasing Service Directorate (TCDD) with the approximate cost of 645410/14.671.146,35 KIK (Part VIII). SIEMENS SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş won the bid with .3 TL. The 11.883.321,08 companies participating in the tender made a bid below the limit value.
The tender covers the Completion Works of Kayaş Irmak Kırıkkale Çetinkaya Electrification Facilities (Section VIII). The duration of the work is 274 (two hundred and seventy four) calendar days from the place delivery.