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Gifts for Siblings

Gifts have taken shape in different styles in every period, they are given and received between people as a sign of love and loyalty, and human nature can be happier when giving from itself than receiving. [more…]

Pay attention to uncorrected throat infection

Attention to Unhealed Throat Infection!

Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Selim Yıldırım gave information on the subject. If there is a throat infection that does not improve despite antibiotic treatment, Pfapa disease should come to mind. Throat [more…]

Profile of cyber suc victims removed

Cyber ​​Crime Victims Profiled

According to the research of the Department of Internal Security Strategies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, people in the profession that requires expertise are at a higher risk of becoming victims of cybercrime than other professionals. [more…]

neurological sign of coronavirus

7 Neurological Symptoms of Coronavirus!

Scientific reports reported during the beginning and continuation of the COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) epidemic, which is considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization, show that the disease affects not only the respiratory tract; along with [more…]