What is Sustainable Cosmetics, Why Should It Be Preferred?

What is Sustainable Cosmetics and Why Should It Be Preferred?
What is Sustainable Cosmetics, Why Should It Be Preferred?

Sustainability, which is gaining more and more importance in every aspect of life, changes many of our habits while advising us to live with less harm to nature and our planet. With this awareness, we are now making more environmentally friendly choices in the products we use in our daily life. But are there more sustainable options for personal care products? The concept of sustainable cosmetics, also known as green cosmetics, emerges at this point. In other words, it is possible for us to meet our care needs without stealing the resources that future generations will use.

What Does Sustainable Cosmetics Mean?

Cosmetic products used for personal care may contain substances harmful to human health and the environment, both in their contents and in their packaging.

The concept of sustainable cosmetics means that both the product content is environmentally friendly and the packaging is recyclable. Cosmetic products produced within this framework are considered as products that have low carbon emissions, do not harm animals and the environment in any process of production, and whose packaging is biodegradable. The environmental impact of cosmetic products is measured not only by the materials used in the production phase, but also by the practices in the distribution process.

Sustainable cosmetics brands make shopping easier for consumers by adding the logos of certificates that certify their sustainability to their products. The main labels that can be seen on the packaging of a sustainable cosmetic product during shopping are as follows:

  • Cruelty Free, which certifies that animals are not harmed,
  • Fair Trade, which documents fair trade conditions,
  • COSMOS, etc., which certifies that the product has organic and natural ingredients.

3 Main Criteria of Sustainable Cosmetics

Those who use more sustainable alternatives in the products they consume may want to act with the same understanding in cosmetics. When doing product research, these people have some criteria they can evaluate to make sure the product is sustainable.

These criteria, which are generally referred to as the 3 criteria of sustainable cosmetics and gathered under three headings, inform consumers about the sustainability of products:

  • Packaging: The packaging of a sustainable cosmetic product should consist of biodegradable materials and, if possible, be designed to be refillable. Bamboo, glass, paper or recycled plastic are among the most preferred materials.
  • Content: The ingredients of a sustainable cosmetic product must have formulas that do not pose a threat to human health and nature. At this point, ethical production and nature-friendly components are of great importance. During the production and testing of products, not harming animals and not using harmful chemicals are among the important criteria.
  • Brand attitude: A brand that produces sustainable products should also show this attitude in its production processes. For example, it is necessary to act considering the future of the planet, with steps such as reducing the carbon footprint or providing the electricity used in the production phase from renewable energy sources.

Harmful Chemicals Used in Cosmetics

“Why sustainable cosmetics?” The question actually answers itself when the harmful substances used in cosmetics are noticed.

The chemical group, which includes BHA, BHT, paraben, silicone, sodium sulfate and synthetic dyes, is very harmful for the skin.

BHA and BHT, which are generally used in products in the form of lipstick and cream, are protective but harmful synthetic antioxidants that protect the form.

Paraben, on the other hand, tends to sensitize the skin and can cause skin diseases in allergic skin.

Synthetic dyes used for coloring are also very harmful to consumers, as they have a carcinogenic effect.

Products Used in Sustainable Cosmetics

Sustainable cosmetic products do not contain any harmful chemicals. It is formulated with ingredients completely derived from nature instead of these chemicals. Here are some of them:

  • MCT Coconut Oil: Extracted from mature coconut kernels, this oil has a light and easily absorbable texture.
  • Natural Fatty Acids: Vegetable oils such as avocado and argan are used in the ingredients of soaps and creams.

Why Should We Prefer Sustainable Cosmetics?

As a consumer, our preferences for sustainable cosmetic products have two dimensions, both personal and environmental. As awareness of the content of cosmetic products increases, it is inevitable that sustainable products that do not cause a reaction on the skin and do not threaten human health will come to the fore instead of other products.

Natural ingredients not only do not harm the skin, but also create a positive change in the health and appearance of the skin in the long run, as these products also provide the necessary moisture and care.

On the other hand, the environmental dimension of the business is based on both ethical values ​​and global consciousness. Unfortunately, the cosmetics industry is also a threat to animals and biodiversity.

No harm is done to animals in any process (both production and experimentation) of sustainable products.

In summary, it is of great importance for the future of the planet to prefer products that are produced for their purpose, that can be destroyed in nature and whose packaging can be recycled. Moreover, today, sustainable cosmetic products are much more accessible than in the past.

The number of brands that design their packaging to be recyclable and include plant-based ingredients up to a certain percentage in their content is increasing every day. When this is the case, it is not difficult at all to turn to sustainable options for both our own health and the future of the world.

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