Last Minute: Forest Fire Started at Two Separate Points in Kaz Mountains

last minute forest fire broke out at two different points in the Kaz Mountains
last minute forest fire broke out at two different points in the Kaz Mountains

For an unknown reason, forest fire broke out at two different points in Kaz Mountains in Balıkesir's Edremit district. Fires are intervened by air and land.

In the Güre and Kızılkeçili neighborhoods of Edremit district, fires broke out at two different points for an undetermined reason. Both fires in the forest area are being responded to with 3 helicopters and sprinklers.

Does not threaten residential areas

2 helicopters and 2 more planes were directed to the fire areas where road transportation is difficult. While the fires did not threaten the residential areas, it was learned that the wind was strong. Efforts to bring the fires under control continue.