Vocational Competence Certificate Required in Second Hand Mobile Phone Repair

Professional competence certificate made mandatory in second-hand mobile phone repair
Professional competence certificate made mandatory in second-hand mobile phone repair

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services continues to provide standards for occupations and professional competence for employees through the Vocational Qualifications Authority (MYK). In this direction, the Ministry, which continues its efforts to bring qualified human resources to the working life, has made it mandatory to employ personnel with professional competence certificate in workplaces that perform repair, maintenance and repair before the second-hand phones are ready for sale.

The regulation in question was prepared in cooperation with the Vocational Qualifications Authority (MYK) and the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE). It was implemented within the scope of the 'Regulation on the Sale of Renewed Products', which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette on August 22, 2020.

The details of the professional competence certificate requirement for mobile phone repair maintenance and repairers will be as follows: “Those who operate based on the TSE standard and the renewal authorization certificate received from the ministry will be obliged to obtain a Service Place Qualification Certificate showing their compliance with the TS 1390 standard. In the workplaces, there will be people who have a diploma in the field of electronics / communication, have a mastership certificate or have a professional competence certificate in this field. These people will work full time on a payroll basis. There will also be at least 7 technical staff who do not work in other workplaces.

There Are 82 Million Mobile Subscribers

The Ministry announced that, according to the report of the Information Technologies and Communication Authority, the number of mobile subscribers in our country was approximately 2020 million in 82, and accordingly, regulations were made for the work of certified people who are competent in their profession in the repair and repair of mobile phones.

The Quality of the Profession Will Increase

On the other hand, it is aimed to increase the quality of the profession with the introduction of the Professional Competence Certificate. In this context, people who are not competent will be prevented from doing mobile phone maintenance and repair work. In addition, people who want to obtain certificates in the relevant field will be able to apply to organizations authorized by VQA.