Number of 112 Emergency Call Centers Reached 70

The Number of 112 Emergency Call Centers Reached 70
The Number of 112 Emergency Call Centers Reached 70

The Number of 112 Emergency Call Centers reached 70; The Ministry of Interior reported that the number of provinces in which 112 Emergency Call Centers (ACC) became operational has reached 70.

112 Emergency Call Centers (AÇM) were commissioned this month in Kilis, Çankırı, Çorum, Gümüşhane, Osmaniye, Kastamonu, Kars, Gaziantep, Muş, Karabük, Artvin, Malatya, Tunceli, Elazığ, Iğdır, Bayburt, Aydın.

The number of 112 Emergency Call Centers, where citizens can only call 112 in case of emergency, and seek emergency assistance, has reached 70. Soon, 81 Emergency Call Center (AÇM) will be commissioned in 112 provinces.