Controlled Right Turn Period Has Started at Traffic Lights in Sakarya

controlled right-turn period in traffic lights in Sakarya started
controlled right-turn period in traffic lights in Sakarya started

Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Department of Traffic 'Controlled Right Turn' project began to implement. Within this scope, the project was put into operation at various 25 signaled intersections within the borders of Sakarya and finally all of the signaled intersections on Sabahattin Zaim Boulevard connecting Korucuk and the city center.

Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department, Traffic Branch Directorate; Due to the increasing number of vehicles and the lack of road network capacity, a project was implemented in order to use the capacity efficiently at traffic intersections, to reduce emissions and reduce fuel consumption. Within this scope, the 'Controlled Right Turn' project was implemented without jeopardizing the safety of the driver and pedestrian to the extent permitted by the junction geometry.

The project was implemented
In a statement made by the Department of Transportation, “The project was put into operation at various 25 signaled intersections within the borders of Sakarya and finally all of the signaled intersections on Sabahattin Zaim Boulevard connecting Korucuk and the city center. The number of Controlled Right Turn projects can be increased by making necessary arrangements in line with the analyzes to be conducted at the intersections in the upcoming processes. We hope that the drivers and pedestrians, who are the two most important elements of the traffic, should pay attention to the traffic signs and signs and adapt to the new system as soon as possible. In addition, physical installations have been completed in Intelligent Traffic Management Systems, which are important for the traffic of our city. The system will be put into operation after the sacrifice festival Yazılım.