There are very serious risks in terms of traffic and life safety on lighting poles on the Hatay Ring Road: Civil Engineers Chamber (IMO) Hatay Branch President Selim Harbiyeli, the lighting poles on the ring poles and traffic safety in terms of serious risks and dangers said.
In his press conference at the cadet, the cadet noted that İMO is a public institution professional organization that generates ideas and opinions regarding social, regional, threatening or short-term problems in the short and long term, within the framework of its mandate and professional responsibility from the Constitution and related laws. .
Stating that they share the problems they have identified within the framework of this responsibility with the relevant public institutions and the public, Harbiyeli said:
“We have a ring road starting from Sinanlı road junction at the borders of Defne district and ending at Reyhanlı road junction in Antakya district, and the lighting poles of this road are located in the middle of the 4-lane road. As a result of our on-site research and inspections on 12-13 May, we found that there are very serious risks and dangers in terms of traffic and life safety on the lighting poles on this road. We prepared a report on this situation. We have notified that the necessary precautions should be taken urgently before unwanted situations occur, and we have notified TEDAŞ Provincial Directorate, which we think is the relevant institution, and Hatay Governorship, Hatay Metropolitan Municipality, Defne Municipality and Antakya Municipality for information. However, even after such a period of time, we felt the need to share this issue with you and the people of Hatay, since there is no work on the solution of this dangerous situation. ”
Harbiyeli also stated that the frequent power outages in the region adversely affect both daily life and business life.
Power outages, the drought brought by the water shortage, which makes it more troublesome due to non-working pumps Harbiyeli, to prevent the occurrence of bad situations and citizens do not need to do more trouble and invited the public to inform the people about these issues.