TCDD Promotion Bank Selection Tender will be held on 8 December

TCDD Promotion Bank Selection Tender Will Be Held in December
TCDD Promotion Bank Selection Tender will be held on 8 December

Republic of Turkey State Railways bank promotion in the tender it's over. State railways, where an explanation is expected for the bank selection in the promotion, came today. Accordingly, it was reported that the promotion development, which is closely related to more than 20 thousand personnel in Turkey, will be finalized on 8 December.

According to the developments published on the TCDD announcements page today, December 1, 2022, the following statements were included.

“With our Organization, for the purpose of choosing a bank regarding the payment of salaries, wages and other payments of civil servants, contracted personnel and worker personnel of TCDD Tasimacilik A. tender will be made.

As previously stated by TCDD, banks were expected to pay a promotion of at least 30 thousand TL. Initial negotiations did not yield any results. In this direction, the following statements were included in the statement made by the Transportation Officer Sen.

“During the auction rounds, Vakıfbank announced that it withdrew from the tender after İşbank's offer of 21.000 TL.

The tender ended with İşbank's offer of TL 21.000.

Our union and Institution Officials will continue their promotion negotiations.”