Your Bloating Could Be Caused by Harmful Gut Bacteria

bloating may be caused by harmful intestinal bacteria
bloating may be caused by harmful intestinal bacteria

After a while, your stomach swells quickly and you can't even close the button of your trousers? Or wake up with a flat stomach in the morning; Do you look 6 months pregnant in the evening? One of the reasons behind all this can be SIBO, the increase in harmful bacteria in the small intestine. SIBO, which can be responsible for the complaints of gas and bloating for years, can be treated with programs to be implemented by specialist physicians and dietitians. Memorial Wellness Nutrition Consultant Ex. dit. Yeşim Temel Özcan talked about SIBO and the diets applied in its treatment.

SIBO can be the cause of many chronic complaints.

SIBO (increased harmful bacteria in the small intestine); It can be the reason behind many problems from bloating to diarrhea and even leaky gut. When the balance in the intestinal flora is disturbed; While the beneficial bacteria in the gut decrease, the harmful bacteria begin to multiply. This process usually proceeds with high consumption of simple sugars and simple carbohydrates and creates the picture called SIBO. In SIBO, harmful bacteria in the gut; While breaking down simple sugars and carbohydrates, it releases hydrogen and methane gases. This manifests itself as excessive gas and excessive swelling in the abdomen. While most of the SIBO chart is observed in this way; another group of harmful bacteria breaks down bile salts and disrupts fat digestion. Conclusion; It is reflected in the person as chronic diarrhea. Another group of bacteria destroys the intestinal barrier; can cause leaky gut.

SIBO symptoms include;

  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Constipation (but more diarrhea)
  • irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal infections
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Especially Vitamin B12; vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • There are fat absorption disorders.
  • SIBO can be determined by intestinal flora analysis

Although not very common in Turkey, there are tests that show the presence of SIBO. These;

Breath test; The gold standard in SIBO is that after a person has fasted for 12 hours, their breath is examined after consuming some sugar every 3 minutes for 15 hours. It is a good test for pancreatic enzyme deficiencies and celiac.

urine tests; In the case of SIBO, the presence of substances produced by harmful bacteria in the urine is questioned.

fecal flora analysis; Examining the imbalance of the intestinal flora is also helpful in screening for SIBO. Fecal flora analysis can be performed in Turkey and helps to monitor SIBO. By combining a good anamnesis and flora analysis from the patient, the patient can get rid of SIBO, that is, bloating, with the right treatment program.

Natural supplements can also be used in treatment.

Following the application of the tests used to diagnose SIBO, appropriate medication and nutritional therapy should be administered. Generally, physicians can use rifaximin group antibiotics to which intestinal pests are sensitive. Although this treatment constitutes a large part of SIBO treatment, natural supports can also help. In particular, inflammation-suppressing herbs such as goldenseal herb and horsetail herb can be used. Apart from this, a diet away from sugar and simple carbohydrates is an indispensable part of SIBO treatment. The diets used in the treatment of SIBO are as follows;

Elimination diet (Low FODMAP Diet)

A low FODMAP diet consists of low lactose, low fructose, low fructans/gos, and low polyols. A diet without high FODMAPs for 3-8 weeks is a big part of SIBO treatment. Prohibitions of this particular diet include high lactose, fructose, fructans/gos and polyols.

Lactose: (Triggers gas and bloating, draws water into the gut) All milk and dairy products.

High fructose: (It draws water into the intestine) Apple, black mulberry, cherry, fig, mango, pear, watermelon, alcohol, agave and all similar sweeteners.

High fructans: (It triggers gas and bloating) Grapefruit, persimmon, onion, garlic, wheat, barley, legumes, banana, artichoke.

High polyols: (Draws water into the gut) Sunflower, mushroom, pea, apple apricot, blueberry cherry, nectarine, pear, peach, damson, watermelon.

A nutrition program that includes the right protein, vegetable and fruit sources should be applied. This nutrition program should include especially bromelain, (which is found in pineapple), potassium and magnesium.

The full GAPS diet

The “Full GAPS” phase of the GAPS diet should be started and thus probiotic consumption should be started while intestinal repair continues. Intestinal repair agents such as bone broth, coconut oil, homemade apple cider vinegar are indispensable at this stage. At the same time, FODMAPs that have been removed from the diet should also be reintroduced into the diet.

Vitamin B12, D, K, probiotic, digestive enzymes, iron and zinc levels should be monitored throughout the entire therapy; It is important to provide these supplements under the supervision of a physician when necessary and at stages. Deficiency of these groups is frequently encountered in the SIBO table.

Antimicrobial herbs and oils will also help reduce harmful bacteria in SIBO; Thyme oil, tarragon oil and clove oil can be used, especially goldenseal herb and peppermint oil. Dropping these oils into drinking water consumed during the day

(1 liter of water 2-3 drops is enough) is recommended. After all the therapy, the patient should adopt a healthy lifestyle that is free from stress and toxins and includes a proper nutrition program.

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