Mobile Market was in Gaziemir, Narlıdere and Balçova Today

mobile market today was gaziemir narlidere and balcovaday
mobile market today was gaziemir narlidere and balcovaday

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality launched by the example of Turkey in Buca and mobile market today Gaziemir, Narlıdere and was Balçova'nın. Vegetables and fruits delivered to the homes helped citizens meet their needs without going to the market or markets.

Within the scope of the fight against the world-threatening coronavirus epidemic, the Mobile Market application launched by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality with the slogan "You are at your home in the market district" was today in Gaziemir, Narlıdere and Balçova. Citizens aged 65 and over, who were prohibited from leaving their homes as part of coronavirus measures, showed interest in the Mobile Market. Mobile Market delivers fresh fruits and vegetables at affordable prices to citizens' homes.

“Everyone Has to Protect Each Other”

Bengü Yürüm, who meets the needs of his home with the Mobile Market in Gaziemir, stating that he does not want to go to the market and said, “Going to the market is harm for everyone. Because it gets crowded. And the more crowded the more the situation gets worse. I would like to thank İzmir Metropolitan Municipality for providing such a service. Service is coming up to our feet. ”

Saying that everything is hygienic and packed in the Mobile Market vehicle, so he is shopping with peace of mind, Yürüm said, “Everyone wants to go to the market, but it is inconvenient. Everyone has to protect each other. ”
Stating that she could not shop because she could not leave her home, Semiha Aysel said, “If our children bring it, we eat it, if it does not, we have to eat the dry food at home. I can never go out. Therefore, the application was very good. ”
The citizen named Kemal Uzunoğlu said, “It is taken in order for the markets not to be crowded. This causes long queues. Therefore, the application is good. Thinkers and employees. Thanks to our farmers. We can buy them because they produce them. ”

“Daily Vegetables and Fruits Come to Our Door”

Güler Öner, who noted that the market has reached its feet, said: “If this had not happened, we would have had to enter that crowd and shop. This is a very good service for us. We came up to our door, we shop in an immaculate environment. ”

Explaining that he remembers the old days when he heard the music rising from the Mobile Market vehicles, Sevil Tekeli said, “When I heard the sound, I jumped out of the house. A lot of things used to come to our door in this way. We were shopping. Just like those days in this application. Vegetables and fruits come to our door daily. The application is great. It is very nice for individuals over 65 years old who do not leave their home. Markets, markets are not like going. Although it is a distance and mask application, it is not possible to go. ”

Expressing that she did not go out because she was 67, Fatma Ateş said, “I could not go out. Once I called the market and asked him to bring vegetables and fruits. They brought it, but it's always bruised. I do not like. For this reason, such an application is extremely beautiful. ”

Mobile Market vehicles circulate with Barış Manço's “Tomato, pepper, eggplant” song and sell the products in one or two kilogram bags prepared by weighing beforehand.