Minister Turhan participated in the Green Port Certificate Ceremony

Turhan Yesil Liman attended the certificate ceremony
Turhan Yesil Liman attended the certificate ceremony

In his speech at the Green Harbor Certificate Ceremony held at the Ministry, Minister Turhan evaluated the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Although Turkey's sovereign rights in the region "storm that cut off" Turhan said, he continued: "Mediterranean, what is the backyard of one of the top nor the bottom of the front yard. Countries' borders, sovereign rights and international frameworks are clear. However, he said to us, 'What are you doing there?' To those who dare to say, in one word, 'We do not afford our rights.' Call. For us, the more precious and indispensable our single pebble, the more precious and indispensable our drop of sea water. The more we have the right to build a port in our seas, the more we have the right to conduct drilling activities in our continental shelf originating from our sovereign rights.

Turhan said that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed the government's rightfulness and determination on this matter at every opportunity.

"Maritime economic size in Turkey has exceeded $ 18 billion"

Referring to the developments in the maritime Minister Turhan, further development of the sector, increase the opportunities provided by the sea, resources to the economy and the most effective use of issues, said they attach great importance.

Turhan emphasized that the width, richness and strategic superiority of the seas are important for them. “The important thing is that our sector that produces, works and shines in this area is strong. Because the maritime industry and economy play an important role in world trade. ” he spoke.

Turhan said that the international maritime trade has reached the fastest growth of the last 2017 years with a growth of 4 percent in 5 and reached 11 billion tons as of the end of last year, and pointed out that 17 trillion dollars of the world trade, which is approximately 10 trillion dollars, was realized by seaway.

Turhan, the maritime economic size in Turkey 18 billion dollars exceeded and that the sector noting that about 1 million jobs provide multiple ports with infrastructure and operational efficiency, noted that among the main objectives of the transport topped the world ranking.

“Traffic density at the ports increases by 3 percent annually”

Turhan said that the traffic density in ports increased by an average of 3 per year due to commercial developments, and that this brought about the environmental pollution, occupational health and safety and management problems of the ports that constitute the most important link of the logistics chain and serve in or near the city centers.

Turhan stated that at this point, all segments should contribute to the protection of the environment and to ensure the development of the countries within the framework of the concept of sustainable development. Our goal is to increase the international competitiveness of these areas by providing an effective management awareness in the fields of environment, occupational health and safety. he spoke.

Turhan emphasized that when electricity is preferred instead of fossil fuel in handling equipment, 70-80 decreases the operating costs and the damage to the environment is reduced to the lowest level, Turhan said that operators will not ignore it.

Turhan, other ports open to international traffic in the work to continue to be the places that have this certificate, noting that everyone at this point falls great responsibilities and responsibilities, he said.

Turhan said that among the factors that will affect the changes in the maritime sector are energy efficiency, environmentally friendly transportation, green ships, green ports and related innovations.

“We must improve our ports and shipbuilding industry in terms of capacity, technology and efficiency, and ensure the safety of navigation, life and property at sea. Of course, the rejuvenation of the fleet age is not an issue to be ignored. ”

Following his speech, Minister Turhan presented his documents to the representative of the 15 port, which was awarded the Green Port Certificate.

21 Diyarbakir

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