Director General of Fire: "Turkey Will Be Epicenter of World Air Transport"

Did turkey shoot is a general center of world air transport will be uss
Did turkey shoot is a general center of world air transport will be uss

State Airports Authority (DHMİ) Deputy General Manager Mehmet Ateş, made important statements about the future plans of the institution.

In the field of aviation Turkey's vision of being the leader of the great steps taken in recent years, the State Airports Enterprise's (SAE) has a very important role. Currently 49 actually located in the airport's operator position DHMİ in Turkey will be signed in the coming period to those of the new airport company.

20 May 1933 has started with the establishment of Airlines State Enterprise, which forms the basis of today's General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMİ). Currently Transportation and Infrastructure which operates as a state-owned enterprise related to the Ministry of State Airports Authority, today operates as a de facto 86 Total airport in Turkey. Stating that they will sign new projects together with the leadership and support of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in the coming period, Mehmet Ateş, Chairman and Deputy General Manager of DHMİ, answers Platin's questions as follows:

• Currently you can get information about the number of active airport in Turkey we? State Airports Authority, operates the few airports in Turkey? 

Turkey is currently in the number of airports open to civil air traffic 56. General Directorate of State Airports Authority of Turkey, which actively operates across virtually 56 49 pieces the airport. In addition, we provide control, inspection and air traffic services for Istanbul, Zafer, Zonguldak-Çaycuma, Gazipaşa-Alanya and Aydın-Çıldır airports and air traffic control services for Sabiha Gökçen and Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Airports.

• Despite the advances it has made in the field of aviation, especially in recent years 17 Turkey, as well as the airport showed how the development trend of growth in the number of terminals? 

17 especially in recent years in Turkey, as in every industry, great advances were recorded in the transport sector. In parallel with these developments, DHMİ has continuously renewed and developed itself.

Over the years, terminal capacities and passenger numbers were far less than they are today. Our country has improved much faster, let alone being an audience of developments in the world civil aviation in recent years. The aviation sector has grown in our country in a way that even the world aviation authorities cannot predict. We reached 15 years ago where these authorities positioned 15 years later. The number of airports and terminal capacities increased rapidly due to these developments. While the number of active airports open to civil air traffic in 2003 was 26, this number reached 2019 in 56. We not only increased the number of airports, but also increased the capacity of each airport. Between 2003-2019, the terminal building of the 30 airport was renewed and the terminal building of four airports was expanded.

• Istanbul Airport, Turkey is a milestone for the aviation industry. In this context, the Istanbul Airport as DHM can offer what can you say such advantages for Turkey?

Today, the biggest airport in the world in many respects, our 'victory monument' held in DHMI, Istanbul Airport; The growth in aviation in Turkey and will contribute to the domestic and international developments, as well as an airport that will promote, will become an important transfer hub between Western Europe and the Far East.

Istanbul Airport will take place in four stages. The 1 stage, currently opened, is the 1 stage. Then the 2 phase will be opened, and then, according to the needs of the organization, other stages will be opened. Thus, Istanbul Airport passenger capacity will reach 200 million. This work is a brand for our country. First of all, this project has provided a great deal of employment. With the entry into service of the Istanbul Airport, Turkey's civil aviation on a global quarterback position to rise as well as our country has signed a major mobilization in terms of employment economy.

Istanbul Airport is not only for the development of the aviation sector; at the same time both activate its investment through additional jobs will be created as well, with Turkey's economy will be the development of the catalytic effect provided by both industry will provide significant contributions.

This magnificent work that dazzle the whole world, not just the Middle East, Turkey is not at the center of Europe and Asia, will be the epicenter of world air transport.

• How it was formed the first five-month period in domestic and international passenger traffic in Turkey? How is 2019 year going, especially in international flight traffic?

2019 million 40 thousand 385, 204 million 33 thousand 698 thousand 472 thousand 74 thousand 83 thousand passenger traffic in the first five months of 676.

The number of passengers receiving services from tourism-intensive airports with high international traffic is 3 million 973 thousand 607 in domestic flights and 6 million 842 thousand 155 in international flights; aircraft traffic was 35 thousand 116 in domestic flights and 42 bin 870 in international flights.

• In recent years, a project of the Ministry of Transport within the scope of 'one airport per 100 kilometer' has been on the agenda. Where did this project come from and what will be the role of DHMI?

With the project of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, havalim Every 100 is an airport per kilometer imiz, many of our cities met with airlines. Today, we draw a circle on the compass in the 100 kilometers in Turkey map can see that there is a strong airport. We also have airports under construction.

In recent years, the construction of Bingöl, Şırnak Şerafettin Elçi, Kastamonu, Hakkari Yüksekova Selahaddin Eyyubi and Ordu Giresun Airports was completed and added to the sector. Work continues for Rize-Artvin, Yozgat and Bayburt-Gümüşhane Airports.

These airports, the construction of which is undertaken by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments, will be commissioned by our organization upon completion. Therefore, we can say that we have achieved our goal for this project. Turkey's east to west, north to south can now easily access the airport airports all our citizens; is able to travel quickly and comfortably.

• In the period ahead will be what the airports scheduled to open in Turkey?

As DHMİ, we continue to serve our people with a growing momentum. Since safe growth could not be achieved at our airport in Tokat, we started to build a new airport. As Adana Airport, which serves the Çukurova region, remains within the city and does not have the opportunity to grow, we are continuing our activities at Çukurova Regional Airport, which will serve the region.

Within the scope of public-private sector cooperation projects, we are currently working on İzmir Çeşme Alaçatı Ekrem Pakdemirli Airport and West Antalya Airport.

In addition, we launched the 1 stage of Istanbul Airport, our proud source. Our goal is to make the other stages of service and completion of this gigantic project. We are proud of the fact that our giant project, which is followed by envy by many countries, started to serve in such a short time.