Nine companies submitted bids for Izmit Tram project consulting tender

Nine companies submitted a tender for the Izmit Tram Project consulting tender: A consultancy tender was held for the tram project between Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and Sekapark-Otogar. While 9 was participating in the tender, they presented their files and submitted their competences. The Commission will examine the structures and characteristics of the firms and determine their qualifications.

Construction of the tram tender to be started in April, the tender commission chaired by Ahmet Celebi. The representatives of the company 9 participated in the tender for the consultancy service related to this tram project.

The firms participating in yesterday's tender and file related to the consultancy service of the tram tender are as follows:
Ankara Yuksel Project-Ankara Prota Engineering-Istanbullu International Consultancy Services in Ankara-Ankara Erka As Project Consultancy Services-Antinok Engineering - Italian Geoata and Istanbullu Türedi Engineering Consultancy Partnership - Ankara Prakon Engineering and Optim Business Partnership Engineering. These companies will be subject to qualification research, the files will be examined. The Commission will be invited to the construction tender 8, which will eliminate one of these companies and not yet clear when it will be made.

The tram consultancy tender includes approximately 7 kilometer-long trolley rail mainline, total 11 units and approximately 30 thousand square meter warehouse, workshop building and connected line urban rail transportation system construction supervision, consultancy and engineering works.

21 Diyarbakir

Bus Services Increased on the Elidolu and Dicle University Route

Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality increased the number of services of the G1 line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, where there is a high density. The Transportation Department has increased the number of services of the GXNUMX line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, in order to provide faster transportation for citizens and [more…]