Day: February 5 2015
Bozdağda Snow Festival to be Held on 8 February
Bozdağda Snow Festival will be held on February 8: Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Osman Zolan invited all citizens to the "Bozdağ Snow Festival". Denizli's second white paradise after Pamukkale [more…]
Ski Running Championship in Bolu
Ski Running Championship in Bolu: Preparations for the Turkish Ski Running Championship, planned to be held in Gerede Arkut Mountain Ski Center in March, continue uninterruptedly. Dozens of people from across the country [more…]
Sarıkamış became the venue of skiers
Sarıkamış Became the Place for Ski Lovers: Sarıkamış Cıbıltepe Ski Center became the place for ski lovers. Ski lovers who ski among the crystal snow and Scots Pine Trees prefer other ski centers other than Sarıkamış. [more…]
Eye of National Snowboarder Muhammed Boydak at European Championship
National Snowboarder Muhammed Boydak has his eyes on the European Championship: National snowboarder Boydak: “I am preparing by training for 3 hours a day at high altitude and among the Scots pines in Sarıkamış. National snowboarder from Sarıkamış [more…]

Railwaymen's Enjoyment of Ilgaz
Railwaymen Enjoy Ilgaz: Railwaymen and their families had fun in the Ilgaz trip organized jointly by the Human Resources Department and TCDD Women's Platform. It's clean from Ankara by buses in the morning. [more…]
24 million licenses will be changed in Turkey
24 million driver's licenses will change in Turkey: İSKEF President Tekin, in accordance with the Highway Traffic Regulation, which is expected to come into force in July or August, approximately 24 million driver's licenses will be changed to 15 years. [more…]
Uninterrupted service to drivers from highways
Uninterrupted service to drivers from highways: It was stated that in Sivas, "Alo 159 Highways Information Line" provides information to vehicle drivers about the situation on the highways 24 hours a day. From the 16th Regional Directorate of Highways [more…]

Weekly Railway Traffic Volume in the US Increased 5,9 Percentage
Weekly Rail Traffic Volume in the USA Increased by 5,9 Percent: The total volume of transportation by rail in the USA was the same as the previous year in the week ending January 31 [more…]
Iskenderunda asphalt patching work continues
Asphalt patching works continue in Iskenderun: Iskenderun Municipality's asphalt team affiliated with technical works continues its asphalt work for road defects occurring in various parts of the city, without interrupting the asphalt works. [more…]
Landslide On The Road In Kastamonu
Landslide Collapsed the Highway in Kastamonu: As a result of the landslide in Kastamonu Küre district, the Küre highway could not stand it and collapsed. According to the news received, Küre with code number 37-89 in Kastamonu Küre District [more…]
Aşağıbeşpınar Peasants Want Bridge
Aşağıbeşpınar Peasants Want a Bridge: The people of Aşağıbeşpınar village of Sungurlu district of Çorum appealed to the authorities to bridge the transportation between the village and the hamlet. [more…]
Akar: HGS 'Fast-growing robbery' turned
Akar: HGS has turned into a 'rapidly developing robbery'. CHP Kocaeli Deputy Haydar Akar said that it will be implemented instead of the KGS and OGS system in 2012 in order to be faster and more economical. [more…]
Logistics Center
Kocaeliye logistics center is coming: The button has been pressed for the giant "logistics village" planned to be established in two separate points in Kocaeli. The giant "logistics village" planned to be established in two separate points in Kocaeli [more…]
Citizen HGS trap
HGS trap for citizens: President of the Turkish Drivers and Automobile Federation, Fevzi Apaydın, announced that thousands of drivers have been given exorbitant fines for highway and bridge crossings. highway and bridge [more…]
Traffic Trouble in Bursa
Traffic Trouble in Bursa: The effects of the southwest wind disaster and crane accident that occurred in Bursa over the weekend continue. The crane that fell down due to the strong winds affecting Bursa belongs to Bursaray. [more…]
Turkey Representative signalized intersections in Konya in Progress
Signalized Intersections, an example for Turkey, are being built in Konya: Konya Metropolitan Municipality continues its signalized intersection works with investments in line with technology. Konya Metropolitan Municipality has determined that the signaling network in the main arteries is the best. [more…]
Dangerous Trip on Tram
Dangerous Journey on the Tram: The person who got on the tram in Taksim and traveled without paying attention to the 600 voltage electric current was heartbreaking. On Istaklal Street in Taksim, Istanbul [more…]
What We Don't Know About Trains: What is Boji?
What is a bogie? :Bogie is a component of railway vehicles. Its function is to ensure the movement of the wheels and to carry the rest of the vehicle. The main use of the bogie is long railway [more…]

Train Accident in America 7 Dead 12 Injured
The accident occurred in New York, USA. A passenger train hit two vehicles at the level crossing in the town of Valhalla. 2 people on the train, which mowed down 2 cars, died in the accident. [more…]