Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary Introduced to the Press

Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary introduced per photo gallery
Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary introduced per photo gallery

Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary Introduced to the Press: TCDD General Manager Süleyman Karaman said that the Railway Encyclopedia and the Railway Dictionary will be a bedside book to introduce the society to all segments of the society, except railways and railroaders.

The Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary, prepared by the TCDD Foundation by the authors Ümit UZMAY and Kudret Emiroğlu, was introduced to the press on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 by TCDD General Manager Süleyman KARAMAN.

General Director of TCDD Süleyman KARAMAN said, “The history of the old Ankara Gar Gazinosu, which has been opened in 1939, is today the Tower Restuarant, which was commissioned by his brother Abdurrahman Naci Demirağ, brother of Nuri Demirağ and the brother of Nuri Demirağ. I am very pleased to welcome you in the venue. ın In his speech, he stated that in the first years of Republic, gar casinos and gar restaurants were the meeting places of poets, writers and artists of our country.

KARAMAN stated that they thought it would be more meaningful to make the introductory meeting of the Railway Encyclopedia and Railway Dictionary prepared by the authors of the Ministry Adnan Ekinci. he also noted that this is one of the examples of cultural heritage.


Railways 157 in the history of this geography with the fate of the country as a quotation, the nation's knife through the back of the hard ship shipment, ammunition shipment is done by train to the Anatolian young people who come to the big cities by trains underlining the arrival of KARAMAN, the Republic's first years of the railroads as a locomotive of development. as a modernization project; Hundreds of settlements, for the first time with the doctor, the first time with the newspaper, the first time with the hot water network, for the first time by the arrangement of the garden, cinema, the first time met with the cinema, emphasized the railway.

Ti Our people's sense of the train and the love of the train have continued to turn long after 1950-2003 between years of neglect and turn into a dream and longing, ilgili said KARAMAN.

Unda The reason why such a beloved organization is less known in the public is what we lack. While we are making high speed train lines, while increasing the competitiveness of our country with logistic centers on one hand, while renewing the non-renewed roads since the day it was built, while creating a local railway industry, our country has become the most advantageous railway corridor in the region by implementing Modern Silk Railway. While we are developing urban rail system solutions, we are trying to be worthy of being a railroad to our people's love of railroads simultaneously with social and cultural projects. ir

KARAMAN underlined that there are books that will be a bedside book of the Railway Encyclopedia and the Railway Dictionary to introduce the railroads to all relevant sections of the society except for the railroads.

General Manager KARAMAN, lastly Marmaray's construction and operation process, speaking Turkish and Turkish, shared the difference with the press members.

Karaman, Demiryolcular As a railroad: döş Marmaray approach tunnels were opened with TBM machine, ie with mole, covered with barriers, barolid holes were opened, starting from Ayrılık Fountain, platform was created in Marmaray line, sup ballast was laid, traverses were laid, rails were destroyed, Tuna was squeezed with gum, ballast was replenished, buraj was made, retraction, dever, fiş was arranged, bandage was brought together with rails, the line was prepared for the current course, the livres of the cats were arranged, the strings were arranged one day before, the films were prepared, the strings were placed on the expedition tedir ef train was shipped. eni eni I mean the railway trackers say, I opened the tunnel, made the floor ready for the rail floor, I used all kinds of materials locally, I put the rail on the road, I made the way, I opened the train traffic, I prepared the timetables of the trains, I gave the first train next time. .

Adnan Ekinci, Adviser of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, stated in our research that% 98 of our people love the train,% 2 preferred, but there is a lack of information about railways besides love. Encyclopedia and the dictionary will eliminate the lack of information that love will be supported with information, he said.

Isa APAYDIN, TCDD General Manager and TCDD Foundation Chairman of the Board of Directors, said that they are happy to be able to support such studies that will develop the railway awareness as the Foundation.

Ümit UZMAY and Kudret Emiroğlu, who prepared the Encyclopedia and Dictionary, stated that they are very happy to carry out such a study on railways, which have a deep-rooted history of 157 years, and to leave it to future generations.