Intercity Railways

Train Passed Over

A train passed over him: The child who got stuck under the train while playing on the rails in Diyarbakır's Bismil district survived the accident lightly. According to the information received, in Bismil district Sanayi District, TCDD [more…]

07 Antalya

Tram to Metro to Metrobus

Metrobus Instead of Tram to Antalya: North Antalya Ring Road will be ready for EXPO 2016. EXPO Secretary General Selami Gülay said that North Antalya Ring Road has been included in the investment program by the Ministry of Development. [more…]


How to reduce bird deaths due to train

Ways to reduce train-related bird deaths: The statement that birds hitting a high-speed train will change their migration path over time was surprising. “Birds, should people on their way to work change their route?” experts say, [more…]