06 Ankara

Railroad Works at Full Speed

Railway Works Continue at Full Speed ​​in Arifiye: The construction of the railway bridges that will connect Arifiye center and neighborhoods and villages continues at full speed. 2 railways [more…]


TCDD Promotional Tender Postponed

TCDD Promotion Tender Postponed: A meeting will be held today (19.11.2013) at 14.00 in the TCDD General Directorate meeting room regarding the promotions to be paid to the personnel working in workplaces affiliated with the TCDD General Directorate. [more…]

16 Bursa

Uludag's New Cable Car opens at New Year's Eve

Uludağ's New Cable Car opens at the beginning of the year: Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Recep Altepe gave the good news at the November council meeting that the cable car, the symbol of Bursa, will start service at the beginning of the year. Metropolitan Municipality [more…]