marmaray map
34 Istanbul

History of Marmaray Project

History of Marmaray Project. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will open Marmaray, a 283-year-old dream, in 150 days. Metin Tahan, Deputy General Manager of Infrastructure Investments, Marmaray [more…]

34 Istanbul

Students Travel to IETT's History

Students Take a Journey to the History of IETT. The exhibition titled "Journey to History - IETT in Photographs", created with black and white photographs selected from the IETT archive, met with the students. They attracted great attention in places where they were previously exhibited. [more…]

07 Antalya

Olympos Teleferik at EMITT Fair

Olympos Teleferik, the longest Cable Car in Europe, which is among the most important centers of alternative tourism in Kemer, was held for the 24th time on 27-2013 January 17 by Eastern Mediterranean International Tourism. [more…]