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Cyprus Travel Guide

Drawing attention with its natural beauties and warm climate, Cyprus is among the locations preferred by holidaymakers. To stay in Cyprus, which is preferred due to its proximity to Turkey [more…]


Thousands of Athletes Ran for Conquest

The International Osmangazi Historical City Race, which was held for the 16th time this year within the scope of the Commemoration of Osman Gazi and Conquest of Bursa Festivals organized by Osmangazi Municipality in Bursa, started with the participation of 15 athletes from 1154 countries. [more…]


The Shortage of Intermediate Staff in Construction is Deepening… We Must Work Hand in Hand for Urban Transformation

In the report evaluated by the Turkish Contractors Association for the first quarter of 2024, important determinations were made regarding the construction sector. In the report, which also emphasized urban transformation, attention was drawn to the importance of the statement that the projects of all municipalities would be supported by the government, without discrimination, during the 4-year period, which will pass without elections. [more…]