Parkinson's Disease and Its Treatment

Parkinson's disease is a chronic disorder that causes the loss of brain cells. Its treatment is carried out with a multidisciplinary approach. Medications, physical therapy, and surgical options play a role in managing the disease. [more…]


2 Content Interventions by the Family!

Stating that they closely follow the content that children encounter or may encounter in the digital environment, Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş said that they intervened in 2 thousand 54 contents. [more…]


İmamoğlu: Our Responsibility Has Grown

Before opening the session, İmamoğlu shook the hands of the IMM Assembly members, consisting of 315 people, one by one, and said, “In the March 31, 2024 elections, our people used their democratic right and gave us the duty to govern Istanbul for another 5 years. We are extremely pleased that our efforts and service over the past 5 years have been appreciated and favored by our people. "Of course, it has also increased our responsibility," he said.  [more…]