summer berries

Unknown Benefits of Summer Fruits

Expert Dietician Tamar Demirçi gave important information about the subject. With the arrival of summer, colorful fruits began to take their place on the counters. Of course, the fruits of every season are beautiful, but summer [more…]

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Take?

How Long Does Hair Transplant Take?

Although there is no definitive answer to the question of how long hair transplantation takes, an approximate estimate can be made. Hair loss will affect the number of follicles to be transplanted and the duration of the procedure. [more…]

kilo of drugs seized in van
65 Van

306 Kilos of Drugs Seized in Van

According to the statement made by the Van Provincial Police Department, efforts are continuing against those who carry out drug trafficking, transportation or storage activities. In this context, Van and Hakkari Anti-Narcotic Crimes [more…]