Turkey Logistics Master Plan and Logistics Centers; Logistics These are the areas where many operators carry out all activities related to national and international transportation, logistics and distribution of freight within the centers.
Determination of the logistic center of the site selection criteria and business rules is being prepared for the purpose, Turkey and Logistics Master Plan;
a. Taken to prevent investment "Turkey logistics village centers or bases" Removing the map and ensuring the optimum transport links with the increasing types of combined transport,
b. It is planned to determine minimum geographical, physical and operational standards and procedures and principles for establishment of logistic villages, centers or bases in order to operate efficiently and effectively.
Our logistics sector is developing rapidly. In order to provide an integrated railway service with other transportation systems and to develop combined transport, the construction of the logistics center and the connection of important industrial and production centers to our railway network will continue.
Transformation from Transportation to Logistics Program
10. The development plan located and this program is one of the 25 Total Priority Transformation Program, Turkey's export growth and in achieving the objectives of sustainable development in recent years, increasing the contribution to the growth potential of the logistics a rapid growth and 2016 from 160 years published in logistics performance index 34 countries. It is aimed for our country to be among the first 2023 countries according to 15 year targets. The general coordination of the program is carried out by the Presidency of Strategy and Budget and the Ministry.
With the establishment of Logistics Centers Project, it is aimed to create areas that can meet the needs in areas other than the city centers which can be preferred by the customers and which have efficient road transport, and to restructure the regions with high load potential especially in accordance with technological and economic developments.
Logistics centers, primarily in connection with organized industrial zones in IstanbulHalkalı), Kocaeli (Köseköy), Eskişehir (Hasanbey), Balıkesir (Gökköy), Kayseri (Boğazköprü), Samsun (Gelemen), Denizli (Kaklik), Mersin (Yenice), Erzurum (Palandoken), Usak, Konya (Kayacik), Istanbul. (European Side), Bilecik (Bozuyuk), Kahramanmaras (Turkoglu), Mardin, Sivas, Kars, Izmir (Kemalpasa), Sirnak (Habur), Bitlis (Tatvan) and Karaman are planned to be constructed in total 21 locations (Map 15).
Samsun (Gelemen), Usak, Denizli (Kaklik), Izmit (Kosekoy), IstanbulHalkalı), Eskişehir (Hasanbey), Balıkesir (Gökköy), Kahramanmaraş (Türkoğlu), Erzurum (Palandöken) were put into operation. Bilecik (Bozuyuk), Konya (Kayacik), Kars, Mersin (Yenice), Izmir (Kemalpasa) logistics centers are ongoing construction works. Tender, project and expropriation works related to other logistics centers are continuing.
In a logistics center;
●● Container loading and unloading and stock areas,
●● Bonded sites,
●● Customer offices, parking lot, truck park,
●● Banks, restaurants, hotels, maintenance and repair facilities, fuel stations, warehouses,
●● There are train reception and delivery routes.
Turkey Logistics Master Plan (TLMP)
10. Development Plan 1.18 No. '' Transport Logistic Transformation Program '' is located within the '' Turkey Logistics Master Plan 'for the purpose of making, strengthening the international position of our country, the total cost reduction of logistics cost burden in the industrial products, promotion of intermodal transport compared to road increasing the share of railway transportation, which is more economical, and reducing the time of transportation of the final products to the consumption markets. for determining the need for such issues as' 'Turkey Logistics Master Plan' preparation work is already under way, will be completed by the end of the year 2018.
Determination of the logistic center of the site selection criteria and business rules is being prepared for the purpose, Turkey and Logistics Master Plan;
●● discarded to prevent investment "Turkey logistics village centers or bases" with the need to determine the location and development of combined transport links with ensuring the optimum modes of transport,
●● It is planned to determine minimum geographical and physical standards and procedures and principles for establishment and operation of logistic villages, centers or bases in order to operate efficiently and effectively.
Logistics Legislation
Turkey Logistics Logistics Centers in parallel with the preparation of the Master Plan study, and the base of the village and Capacity Board continues to work to prepare the draft of the Regulation Regarding that will be needed.
Kemalpaşa Organized Industrial Zone Railway Connection Line and Logistics Center
Kemalpaşa Organized Industrial Zone, where 270 companies operate, is connected to the existing railway network and the 3 km. long Kemalpaşa OSB Railway Connection Line Construction has been completed in 27 stage on 3; On 16.02.2016, it was transferred to the General Directorate of Turkish State Railways with the Transfer Protocol.
The first stage of the Kemalpaşa Logistics Center, which is planned to reach 1.315.020 m2 as the activity area in the first stage, and then 3.000.000 m2 area with the expansion area, was awarded in two stages; The first phase has been completed. The second phase, which is currently under construction, is foreseen to be completed by 19.11.2018.
As a result of the studies carried out jointly with Gazi University to determine the operation model of the logistics center, the PPP Model has come to the forefront for the operation of the logistics center. However; Consultancy services were taken by the Ministry of Commerce within the scope of coordinated works to determine the final operation and management model with the Ministry of Trade; Consultancy Services work was completed on 30.11.2018.