46 Kahramanmaras

Mobile Children's Library Made the Little Ones Smile

Mobile Children's Library of the Metropolitan Municipality; He visited schools in the rural areas of Onikişubat, Dulkadiroğlu, Göksun and Pazarcık and introduced the students to books. Mobile Children's Library, an exemplary project of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, [more…]

New City Square Will Be Built in Kahramanmaraş
46 Kahramanmaras

New City Square Will Be Built in Kahramanmaraş

Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki stated that they will restore Kahramanmaraş, the center of the February 6 earthquakes, to the beauties of the past. Minister Özhaseki said, “We will bring Kahramanmaraş to its feet as soon as possible.” [more…]