Science Expo Inspires the Future

science expo inspires the future
science expo inspires the future

finalists Turkey's most comprehensive event in the world's No. TK Science Expo project contest two projects MMG 3. R & D marked the summit.

The science and technology center of Bursa Science and Technology Center (Bursa BTM), which has made science a part of daily life with the aim of contributing to the education of the future qualified workforce, Science Expo makes the dreams of entrepreneur young people who are interested in science come true. The project competitions organized within the scope of the Science Expo, which attracts world-wide every year, began to bear fruit. MMG 3 in Istanbul. At the R & D and Innovation Summit, the two scholarships for the Turkish Airlines Science Expo 2018 project competition were announced. Azra Zeynep Uğurbaş and İbrahim Batı's 'Robotic-Controlled, Electrical Generating Irrigation System' project, which provides effective solutions to the energy problem within the scope of more efficiency with less energy developed by Azra Zeynep Uğurbaş and İbrahim Batı, provides efficient savings in agricultural irrigation developed by Yiğit Burak Kılıç won the appreciation of the participants. support domestic production in Turkey, technology investments, R & D work and organized to ensure that meet on a common platform of innovative initiatives, the regional development agency bebka stand at the summit with Bursa btm'n activities introduced finalist projects, he has seen intense interest of the company and agency representatives . Prof. Dr. Uludağ Technology Development Zone (ULUTEK) General Manager, who is in a productive cooperation with Bursa BTM. Dr. Mehmet Kanık and BEBKA Secretary General İsmail Gerim examined the finalist projects closely and congratulated the young people.

From dream to reality

Stating that Science Expo project competitions, which are organized every year with the support of BEBKA and stakeholder organizations, are important to support national technology investments and innovative ideas in this field, BEBKA Secretary General İsmail Gerim said, “MMG 3rd R&D and Innovation Summit The projects of the technology transfer offices of universities with companies and institutions are located in. In such an environment, young people ranking in the Science Expo Project contest, expressing themselves and gaining ideas about how they can develop their projects in the future, are an important source of motivation on behalf of entrepreneurial youth. Bursa Science and Technology Center General Coordinator Fehim Ferik pointed out that they provided launching and entrepreneurship training supports with BEBKA as the Metropolitan Municipality Science and Technology Center for the finalist projects. Thus, the project aims to ensure the sustainability of Ferric stating, "Every year we have organized the project contest from all over Turkey, more than a thousand years the project comes from the application. 50 of these projects reach the finals after the evaluation of the expert academic staff. An important part of these projects are initiatives that have the potential to create added value. To date, 5 projects have been commercialized and products produced under these projects have been exported. In addition, one of our finalist projects was realized by finding an angel investor. While one of our 2 contestants who participated in the project contest was promoted in the institution he worked for, the other got his dream job. MMG 3rd R&D and Innovation Summit held in Istanbul was important for us to see the power of Bursa BTM and Science Expo ”.