The City Hospital Tram Line Project, which was made by Eze İnşaat and stopped by a court decision and liquidated by the Ministry of Transport, is starting again. Eze İnşaat received the tender, which was made by the Ministry by invitation method. The company is expected to start work in the coming days.
According to the news of Süriye Çatak Tek from Özgürkocaeli; “The City Hospital Tram Line Project, which was tendered and started to be built by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, stopped with a court decision. Güneş Asfalt Trade and Industry Company Körfez Branch, which participated in the tender, won the lawsuit filed by the winning company Eze İnşaat at the Ankara 3rd Administrative Court because it did not have a qualification certificate. After the lawsuit, Eze İnşaat stopped the works and withdrawn all its equipment. However, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure went out to tender again after the liquidation of the work. Eze İnşaat, which received the tender upon invitation, is expected to start work again in the coming days.
Eze İnşaat started the construction of the line at the beginning of this year and reached a certain stage until April, when the court stopped it. The construction, which stopped after the court decision, will be resumed by Eze İnşaat, which won the invitation-based tender. The wasted time will also delay the completion of the work.
The tender for the tram line, which will provide transportation to Kocaeli City Hospital, was held in 2020. Eze İnşaat, which received the tender, started work in January 2021 at two separate points in the Armory area and in front of the City Hospital. Then, as a result of the lawsuit filed by Güneş Asfalt Trade and Industry Company Körfez Branch, the tender was canceled and the business was liquidated by the ministry. It was learned that exactly 7 months after the liquidation in April, the contract for the tender, which was made upon invitation, was signed.
With the signing of the contract, the company is expected to restart work in the coming days. It has been learned that the tram line, which is expected to be completed in 2022, can be completed at the beginning of 2023 due to the legal process. Due to the delay, the lack of transportation to the hospital by tram will cause serious problems in the process when Kocaeli City Hospital started to provide health services.