About Ankara High Speed ​​Train Maintenance Center

About Ankara High Speed ​​Train Maintenance Center
About Ankara High Speed ​​Train Maintenance Center

One of Europe's largest studio Sincan High Speed ​​Train Home Maintenance Depot, located in Turkey's capital Ankara YHT is a railway maintenance depot used for high-speed trains. Sincan is located in the Etiler neighborhood it is Turkey's second largest railway maintenance depot 50 thousand square meters with 300 thousand square meters of indoor space. A total of 40 technical personnel, 350 of whom are engineers, work in the facility.

The construction of the warehouse started on the land of the old Etimesgut Sugar Factory at the end of 2013 and was completed on February 2016 and started operations in 2017. The warehouse has a high-speed railway maintenance facility with a high-speed railway training facility for employees. A large turn ring facing east covers the perimeter of the tank. Next to the depot is Eryaman High Speed ​​Train Station.

50 YHT Set Maintenance

All buildings and facilities within the YHT Maintenance Complex, which has the capacity to provide service and heavy maintenance to 50 high-speed train sets, were designed on the basis of environmental awareness as in the European countries where YHT is operated. 19's High Speed ​​Train sets in Turkey's fleet.

While Etimesgut High Speed ​​Train Maintenance Center provides routine maintenance for trains, in case of any problems or problems, heavy maintenance can be done. On the way back from the train, the trainers can see the disruptions on a screen and transfer these disruptions to the technicians or engineers who are in the center while traveling towards the maintenance center.

In the Maintenance Complex, where all buildings, facilities and offices are built in accordance with the accessibility of disabled employees, there are a total of 40 railway lines alongside maintenance and parking roads. At the Etimesgut High Speed ​​Train Maintenance Center, the maintenance of trains leaving behind the 50 million kilometers of road is carried out by technicians and engineers who are experts in the field.