Izmir-Bergama IZBAN Line Approval came to Ankara

Izmir-Bergama IZBAN Line Ankaradan Approval Arrived: Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Aziz Kocaoglu, 2 daily meetings in Ankara made very fruitful meetings, next week a new visit to the capital announced that the planned.
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Aziz Kocaoglu said that the two-day meetings in Ankara had been very productive and had received positive feedbacks for projects that were waiting for approval for a long time.
Yıldırım will meet again
Noting that he made his first visit in Ankara to the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Binali Yıldırım, Kocaoğlu said: I would say it was an efficient conversation for both parties. We'il get back together as soon as possible. Mr Yıldırım has reiterated his promise of support, as before. Mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu reminded that the Metropolitan Municipality presented a file about the works of pending approval in Ankara to the Minister Yildirim. In addition, we shared our opinions about the viaduct bottoms for the Üçkuyular marketplace. Mr. Yıldırım stated that the Ministry bureaucrats will work on this issue. Say
Full support from Eroğlu
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality of Forestry and Water Affairs Minister Veysel Eroğlu noted that the focal point of his meeting took place in the solid waste disposal facility and dam investments Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor continued as follows:
Uk We have requested the Minister to remind us that tüm a positive opinion was received from all institutions other than the Forest Regional Directorate regarding the solid waste disposal facility ert. We also explained that the water planning of Yigitler Dam was not taken into account by IZSU and we forwarded our request for the Ali Onbasi Dam to be built by DSI. Another agenda item in our meeting was the request for the utilization of water from dams and ponds made by DSİ. Mr. Minister showed a positive attitude on all these issues. He said he would support solid waste disposal facilities. He stated that one-third of the Yiğitler Dam water would be given to İZSU and gave the necessary instructions. Yi
There was solid waste disposal on the agenda
After meeting with TOKI Vice President Sami Er, met with the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Aziz Kocaoğlu met with Mr. Muhammet Ecel, General Manager of Environmental Management and Erdal Kayapınar, General Director of Spatial Planning. Having exchanged views on the pending works of the Metropolitan Municipality in the Ministry, Kocaoglu also brought the solid waste disposal facility and Inciralt Suggestion Plan into the agenda.
Bureaucrats will meet
The important headings of the meeting with the Chairman of the Privatization Administration, Ahmet Aksu, were the V. transformer place required for the tram lant, which was requested to be included in the cruise port plan with the scaffolding remodeling projects that the Metropolitan Municipality waited for. Mayor Kocaoglu announced on Monday that the Metropolitan and PA bureaucrats will come together for a solution.
In the interview with Dursun Türk, the Deputy Director General for Infrastructure of Youth and Sports, the stat issue of İzmir was discussed. President Kocaoğlu'nun 'Alsancak 30 thousand-person stat' suggestion that the realization of the problem of the Turks, the UEFA standards in another part of the city 30 thousand people expressed a positive opinion on the need for a new stadium.