Trees on the tramway road in Izmit removed despite protest

Trees on the tramway in Izmit were removed despite the protest: A group of citizens protested the removal of trees on the tram project route in Izmit. A activist climbed up to prevent it from being dismantled. While the tree from which the activist emerged was not removed, municipal teams removed other trees and loaded them on the truck.
Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, within the scope of the tram project, Yahya Kaptan Mahallesi Mustafa Kemal Street started to work to remove the trees.

9 people were taken into custody yesterday, not to dismantle the trees. Today, the 20 person who wants to prevent the dismantling of the people between the police took place in a brawl.
Those who formed a circle around the trees, while carrying signs saying "We don't want a tram that slaughtered trees", "Don't touch my tree", were removed by the police.

Atilla Yüceak, one of the residents of the neighborhood, wanted to prevent the dismantling of a tree. Municipal teams touched the tree where Yüceak'ın, the trees were removed by removing the trees. When a tree was split in the middle during dismantling, the protestors disbanded when the municipal teams ended the dismantling.

Stating that there was a tree massacre in the region, Atilla Yüceak said, “They have no legal basis. We say, let's see the decision, they don't make their voices. There is a tree massacre, a nature massacre, and everyone remains silent. "We do not believe the municipality officials who say that these trees will be removed and planted elsewhere."

Saying that the municipality massacred trees without consulting anyone, Nedret Kır said, “They do not have a document on removing trees, they are doing nature massacre here as they wish. Are they allowed to cut these trees? Who did they get permission from? They can't show the decision. As the residents of Yahya Captain, we do not want a tram to pass from here.