TCDD vs Yılmaz Özdil

Yılmaz Özdil, author of Hürriyet, 'What a duck blah' He criticized TCDD in his article. Here is his post:
Yılaz Özdil: What did you do…

Minister of Transport and Lightning replied on this letter and "The information in Yılmaz Özdil's article is wrong and wrong" he said. Here is TCDD's answer:
TCDD's Answer to Yılmaz Özdil

Yilmaz Özdil immediately responded to this article. Here is a nice analysis:
Yılmaz Özdil responds to TCDD

The informative and constructive statement of TCDD was not delayed, here is the press release of TCDD:
Yılmaz Özdil from TCDD thanks to high speed train this time

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