Turkish Robots Will Compete with the World in Houston!

17 Turkish teams will take part in the 21 FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship, which will be held in the USA between 2024-17 April, under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education.

17 FRC teams from around the world will compete in the 21 FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship, which will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston between April 2024-600. Under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education, 17 teams from Turkey will take their place in the international competition.

While approximately 22 thousand students will participate in the event, 400 students from Turkey will take part in the championship. While Turkey is the 17rd country in the world sending the most teams after America and Canada, with 3 teams this year, it is also the country with the highest female student participation rate.