These Foods Strengthen Brain Health

Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ezgi Hazal Çelik says, "Lifestyle interventions such as nutrition, exercise, regular and quality sleep, and stress management are non-invasive, reliable and easy ways to delay and prevent cognitive problems that occur with the disease." Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ezgi Hazal Çelik explained 5 effective foods that strengthen brain health and that you should include on your tables, and made important warnings and suggestions.


Oily fish, especially salmon, are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is especially important for brain nerve cells. It prevents the slowdown of age-related cognitive functions and is effective in strengthening memory. Gray matter in the brain contains nerve cells that control decision making, memory and emotions. Consuming fish regularly increases the tendency to have more gray matter in the brain. You can consume fish 2 days a week using cooking methods such as oven or grill. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, in particular, should avoid fish high in mercury, such as tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel.


Caffeine and antioxidants found in coffee help support brain health. It fights the deterioration in cognitive functions, especially with its antioxidant effect. It also has a positive effect on the brain by increasing concentration and increasing feel-good neurotransmitters such as dopamine. However, attention should be paid to the amount of caffeine consumed daily. Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ezgi Hazal Çelik said, “The maximum recommended amount is 400 mg of caffeine per day. This amount should be limited to 200 mg in pregnant women. It has been observed that consuming an average of 2-4 cups of coffee for healthy adults reduces the risk of neurological diseases. Those with blood pressure problems and pregnant women should reduce their consumption amount and consult their doctor. "Drinking coffee in the evening will negatively affect sleep quality, so care should be taken to consume it during the day," he says.


In addition to walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, which are recommended to be included in the diet every day for brain health, pumpkin seeds, which are also oily seeds; It is one of the most important sources of nutrients important for brain health with its zinc, magnesium, copper and iron content. Pumpkin seeds, which have important effects on brain health such as digestion, memory, nerve signals and impaired brain function, should be consumed without salt, regardless of whether there is a blood pressure problem or not. It should not be consumed more than 1 tea glass a day.


Egg; It is the most important source of nutrients that support brain health and development, including B6, B12, folate and choline. Choline, in particular, is important for creating acetylcholine, which supports memory strengthening. It is produced in small amounts in the liver, but must be taken from outside with food. Adequate choline consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding positively affects the baby's brain development. Choline intake is 425 mg per day for women and 550 mg per day for men. Since 1 egg contains 147 mg of choline, approximately 30 of the daily requirement can be met this way.


Curcumin found in turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory for brain health. It helps improve memory and contributes to the reduction of amyloid plaques that occur with Alzheimer's disease. It is effective in delaying the slowdown in cognitive functions that occurs due to age. Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ezgi Hazal Çelik said, “According to most studies; Including turmeric in a healthy nutrition plan will be effective for brain health. It is a good option to consume 12 grams per day, not exceeding 2 teaspoons, by adding it to your salad or soup. However, pregnant, breastfeeding women, and people with gallbladder and chronic kidney disease should limit turmeric consumption by consulting their doctors,” he says.


According to studies; Emphasizing that there is a close relationship between unhealthy nutrition and the increase in diseases related to cognitive functions, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ezgi Hazal Çelik says: “In recent years, a lot of research has been done on the effect of diet pattern on brain health. Negative nutritional behaviors such as saturated fat, excessive fructose intake, refined sugar, and consumption of processed foods increase inflammation in the elderly and affect cognitive function. Therefore, such eating habits should be abandoned. Research conducted; Studies show that the Mediterranean diet, which is a diet rich in foods such as vegetables, oilseeds, nuts, fish, legumes and olive oil and low in saturated fat, can delay and prevent the deterioration of cognitive functions and help improve cognitive abilities such as memory. "Research has proven that gaining a nutritional habit that includes the right nutritional patterns, especially from the early stages of life, has great benefits for brain health."