The Route of Companies in Textile is Abroad

Nilüfer Çevikel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Demirtaş Organized Industrial Zone Industrialists and Businessmen Association (DOSABSİAD), stated that they have repeatedly stated that there is already a lot of competition in the textile industry, especially on the clothing side, as the limited number of large buyers in the world generally prefer countries such as the Far East and Egypt. He pointed out that especially clothing manufacturers have recently preferred to move their factories abroad in order to reduce costs.

"This situation caused cheaper products to enter Turkey," said Mayor Çevikel, adding, "Thus, products began to be sold in Turkey below our costs, and since we could not compete with the costs, we had tried to make our voice heard to the world before, and as a result of this, we are now both in textile industry." "Concordats have started and companies investing abroad are continuing rapidly," he said.


Making evaluations despite the news that orders from abroad have stopped in the textile industry, Nilüfer Çevikel said, “Actually, it is not that orders are coming to Turkey and the Turks. Although the order continues at the same pace, unfortunately, since we cannot keep costs down and cannot compete with other countries in the world, especially with countries such as Egypt, Turkmenistan or the Far East, people are not paying their leases, they are not paying their debts, and this causes concordats. With the introduction of carbon footprint, we do not think that countries in the Far East can easily adapt to it. That's why we've been saying for a long time that Turkey should become a brand and sell brands because, unfortunately, the Turkish clothing industry is limited to a very limited number in the world, which can barely exceed the fingers of one hand. "There are big buyers in the world and unfortunately the Turkish clothing industry is doomed to experience this as long as it produces unbranded products for these big buyers," he said.


Stating that it is not right for a developed country to still be the product supplier of certain companies, DOSABSİAD Chairman Nilüfer Çevikel said, “This era is now over. This is actually a natural process. With more innovative, technological and different products, Turkish textile will take its place in the world market in a different position after these dark days. Moves must be made for urgent branding. Because Türkiye has now reached a certain stage in the industrial revolution. It is no longer a country with cheap energy costs, cheap land and cheap labor. Companies that cannot brand and put products on the shelves are doomed to disappear. "Concordats will continue," he said.