Even Vitamin D Deficiency Can Cause Ringing in the Ears!

Hearing non-existent sounds such as ringing, rustling and buzzing is defined as 'ringing in the ear' or 'tinnitus' as it is called in the medical world.

It is stated that the problem of tinnitus has become increasingly common in recent years due to factors such as being in a very noisy environment, talking too much on the mobile phone, listening to high volume music with headphones, increasing sound pollution in the environment and previous COVID-19 infection.

Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Prof. points out that today, one in every 15 people has a tinnitus problem at some point in their life. Dr. Dilaver Özturan stated that although tinnitus, which can reach a level of severity that can reduce the quality of life, is usually caused by simple and easily treatable causes such as dirt in the external auditory canal, it can sometimes indicate a serious disease.

Prof. noted that early diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus is extremely important. Dr. Özturan said, “Early detection of the factor causing tinnitus facilitates the response to treatment. If it is delayed, for example, if tinnitus is due to a disease such as ear hypertension, hearing loss may develop. Treatment of tinnitus is based on its cause. "When the cause is identified and treated, tinnitus often ceases to be a problem," he said.

Prof. Dr. Özturan explained the factors that cause tinnitus and made the following important suggestions and warnings.


Acoustic trauma, which develops as a result of exposure to sudden and intense sound waves, can cause tinnitus as well as hearing loss. If acoustic trauma, which usually occurs in musicians who are exposed to extremely loud sounds, people who work in noisy environments, and hunters, is not treated, hearing loss can become permanent.


Meniere's is a disease that occurs due to increased pressure in the sacs in the inner ear. Hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness are the most obvious signs of this disease, which develops in attacks. Stress control and diet are important in Meniere's disease, where there are many treatment options.


Foreign substances such as dirt in the outer ear canal or hair in the ear are also among the factors that can cause tinnitus. In addition, tinnitus may also develop due to a hole in the eardrum.


Middle ear infections, which usually develop due to upper respiratory tract infection, cause hearing loss as well as tinnitus, which often develops as a buzzing sound in the ear. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist Prof. stated that the reason for this is that infections contain swelling or fluid that can block the ear canal. Dr. Dilaver Özturan said that treatment is applied for the cause of middle ear infections and satisfactory results are obtained most of the time.

Prof. emphasized that otosclerosis, also known as 'ear calcification', develops due to calcification of the ossicles in the middle ear. Dr. Özturan stated that otosclerosis, which is mostly manifested by hearing loss and tinnitus symptoms, is more common in women and people with a genetic predisposition. Özturan noted that surgery can provide a definitive solution to otosclerosis, a disease in which hearing loss increases in women during pregnancy.


Meanwhile, Prof. emphasized that in acoustic neuromas, which are benign tumors of the ear nerve, tinnitus problems may occur in addition to hearing loss due to compression of the auditory nerve in the ear canal. Dr. Dilaver Özturan said, "These benign tumors, which usually cause unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus in the area where they are located, are treated with surgery and usually no additional treatment is needed."