Obesity Can Trigger Hip Calcification!

Obesity Can Trigger Hip Calcification
Obesity Can Trigger Hip Calcification!

Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Op.Dr.Alperen Korucu gave important information about the subject. Hip calcification is one of the most common diseases in our society. Hip calcification is the wear of the cartilage surrounding the surface of the bones in the hip joint for some reasons and the deformation of the bones over time. Hip calcification is manifested by pain in the groin and restriction of hip joint movements.

Hip calcifications may occur due to the erosion of the cartilage in the hip joint over time due to congenital or subsequent structural defects (such as hip dislocation, trauma, hip bone diseases from childhood…). Also, hip calcifications of unknown cause may occur in some people.

Hip calcification can occur after the age of 60, or it can occur at a young age due to hip joint diseases that occur in childhood or due to hip dislocation due to birth.

Risk factors for hip calcification are advancing age, obesity, working in jobs with heavy physical conditions, genetic factors, traumas that cause damage to the hip, and rheumatic diseases.

Hip calcification is a discomfort that negatively affects daily life in patients. The most important symptom is pain. The pain can be felt in the groin area or hip, and sometimes in the knee or thigh. Difficulty experiencing difficulties such as riding…) are among the important symptoms. After the pain, limitation of movement occurs. Slight swelling around the joint, clicking or crackling sound when a joint is bent are also among the symptoms of hip joint calcification.

The diagnosis of the disease is made by patient history and physical examination. However, x-rays should usually be taken first to make a differential diagnosis whether it is from other hip joint diseases or not. In some special cases, MRI and computed tomography examination may be required.

Op.Dr.Alperen Korucu "Hip calcification is treated conservatively and surgically. Various intra-articular injections can be made. With these injections, the life of the hip joint can be extended. It is beneficial to make an appointment with a specialist physician and be examined. There is no need for surgery in early diagnosis. Pain in the patient. It is recommended to use cutters, to use support while walking, to use physical therapy methods, to lose excess weight if any.

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