The ŠKODA Goodness Tools, which took to the streets last year as part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, did not forget the street animals in this period of full closure.
During the curfews that will be applied until May 17, ŠKODA Goodness Tools continue to distribute food for street animals.
In this practice, which aims to reduce the spreading rate of the epidemic by keeping people away from the streets, Goodness Tools feed the street animals they see by wandering around the neighborhoods, coastline and district centers.
At the same time, if the residents of the neighborhood report stray animals in their neighborhood, ŠKODA Goodness Tools reach them as soon as possible and ensure that these animals are fed.
Showing once again its sensitivity to corona virus epidemic and street animals with its "Tools of Goodness" project, ŠKODA was also deemed worthy of the Felis Award for its "Tools of Goodness" project in the "Agenda and Crisis Management" category.