Free-sector investments in the railway

Braking the bureaucracy in the free-sector investments in the railway: The most comprehensive step is taken in the anticipated reforms. The road map of the second period also includes the liberalization of railways, the removal of bureaucratic obstacles to investments.

The government is pushing gas for structural reforms. In the first quarter of the year, the minimum wage was increased to 1.300 TL, and many steps were taken to the appointment of teachers, up to 50 thousand TL for the young people and the number of 1.200 TL annually in their pensions. Today, the road map of the second quarter is announced. Cabinet members and non-governmental organizations will participate in the new action plan meeting announced by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. The new period includes arrangements in many areas, from economics to education, from cognitive to judicial to commercial. A few main topics from the structural reforms of the new era will be:


  • Prime wages will be determined by the salary levels will be determined, guidance and audit processes will be initiated.
  • Tax declarations and social security statements will be merged.
  • Repetitive applications in the tax system will be terminated.
  • All regulations linking the periodic increases in the financial legislation to a specific indicator will be reviewed.
  • Vehicle inventory will be issued in the public sector and the Vehicle Law will be renewed.
  • Public institutions and establishments belonging to the resort, camp, educational facilities such as social facilities will be taken to take the inventory step by step.

'Ideal trial periods'

  • Steps have been taken towards automatic participation in the private pension system. The results of the pilot study will be evaluated and this practice will be expanded.
  • Islamic finance tools and institutions will be developed.
  • Metropolitan Municipality Law will be reviewed. Resources of municipalities will be increased.
  • Real Estate Certificate model will be implemented.
  • The new term in the judiciary will begin. The ideal trial time will be determined throughout the country. The expert body will be renewed from the beginning. Steps will be taken to speed up the work of labor courts. Judicial and administrative judiciary courts of appeal will be implemented.

Obligation of nursery for municipalities

  • The necessity to open a nursery will be realized. The National Action Plan on Aging will become more effective. The standards of Internet cafes will be raised.
  • Family medicine practice will be restructured.
  • Turkey Space Agency will be established.
  • Water Law will be enacted.

A restructuring step is coming in TCDD

  • Interest-free credit will be launched to the heirs who want to expand their land.
  • Within the scope of TCDD restructuring, railway management will be liberalized.
  • Single Window System will be implemented in Customs.
  • Secondary arrangements for the regulation of retail trade will be completed.
  • Reduction of bureaucracy in investments.
  • Simplification of opening and working licenses will be provided. Establishment and liquidation to be facilitated.
  • Energy license, license and permit procedures will be facilitated.

The teacher comes to the possibility of the main branch of the fence

  • The bureaucracy in public services will be reduced, while the e-Government Strategy and Action Plan will be prepared. Digital Turkey Project under the shadow of controversy regarding allegations of theft of credentials road map will be put into practice. Strategy and Action Plan for cybercrime will be prepared. The legislation on cyber security will be updated.
  • The National Teacher Strategy Paper will be prepared in this period. Education faculties will be restructured. Students in these faculties or graduates of these faculties will have the opportunity to make double major or minor branch. A Higher Education Law will be prepared at the university with a focus on quality and autonomy. Higher Education Quality Board will be established.