Good news about Hobby Gardens for Retirees in Kayseri!

Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Council made an important decision regarding a total of 7 hobby gardens for retired citizens in 2 different regions of the city.

While important decisions were made at the April Metropolitan Municipality Council Meeting, the decision regarding the hobby gardens that retired citizens in Kayseri were eagerly awaiting was also made.

While applications are ongoing for 2 hobby gardens, which were established to enable retired citizens in Kayseri to get away from the stress of daily life and contribute to a pleasant, healthy life, Metropolitan Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç announced the decision taken regarding the ongoing process regarding hobby gardens at the April Metropolitan Municipality Council Meeting.

Mayor Büyükkılıç underlined that they are working for a greener Kayseri and said, “Our brothers in the hobby garden have planted it in most seasons. We will draw the draw on April 30. Including the current residents of the hobby gardens will participate in the draw. Our brothers who draw the newly built hobby garden, which is currently unused and empty, will receive the hobby garden immediately. If anyone is lucky enough to sit in it, they will continue to sit in it. Our brothers who did not win the draw will deliver their hobby gardens in November, at the end of the season. "We organize it as an annual fee of 3 thousand TL for 5 years," he said.

The request was accepted unanimously by the council members.

Applications will end on April 23

Applications started on April 7 for a total of 2 hobby gardens for retired citizens in 543 different regions of the city and will end on April 3.

230 pieces in Altınoluk Hobby Garden, 204 pieces in Beştepeler Hobby Garden, 703 pieces in Karpuzatan Hobby Garden, 462 pieces in Cırgalan Hobby Garden, 569 pieces in Selçuklu Hobby Garden and 144 pieces in the first part of Şeker Hobby Garden. A total of 231 hobby gardens, including 2 in the second part, were put into practice.

Applications for hobby gardens that aim to offer retired citizens both a life in touch with nature and an environment of social interaction, It is done online at the link.