Who is İnan Akgün Alp? Where is İnan Akgün Alp from and how old is he?

İnan Akgün Alp, one of the names frequently on the agenda of social media, continues to arouse curiosity. İnan Akgün Alp attracts attention with his identity as a lawyer and politician.

Who is İnan Akgün Alp?

İnan Akgün AlpHe started his career after graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Law. He worked as a freelance lawyer in Kars, Istanbul and Ankara, and assumed important positions such as Kars Bar Association Board Member and Bar Association Vice President. He was also the President of the Kars Environment and Urban Law Association. He also played an active role in his political career and continues to serve as a member of the Constitutional Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. He is serving as the 28th term Republican People's Party Kars deputy in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

How old is İnan Akgün Alp and where is he from?

İnan Akgün Alp He was born in 1977 and is 2024 years old as of 47. He is originally from Kars and is a member of parliament in his hometown.