Hospitals should not accept any patient who is not referred by a family physician!

No patient who is not referred from primary care (Family Medicine) should go directly to hospitals!

The Family Medicine system in Turkey is sounding an alarm. It belongs to the managers of the Turkish Family Medicine Specialization Association (TAHUD). Head of Cumhuriyet University Family Medicine Department, Prof. Dr. Yeltekin Demirel announced his candidacy for the TAHUD ordinary general assembly with a strong management team. Turkish Family Medicine Specialist Association - TAHUD, which has been representing Family Medicine in Turkey and in the international arena for 34 years, will determine its new management at the ordinary general assembly to be held in Ankara on April 21, 2024.

Family Medicine is in a Spiral of Problems

With his candidacy, Prof. explained his views for improving the current functioning and a more efficient and sustainable system. Dr. Yeltekin Demirel stated that the practice of Family Medicine has entered a spiral of problems in Turkey and that restructuring is essential for an advanced and modern family medicine practice. Prof. Dr. Demirel; “Strengthening primary care is essential for a sustainable health system. Quality and human health targets have not been achieved with any weak model of family medicine in the healthcare systems in the world. In addition, assistant training should be reorganized uniformly and part-time assistant training should be abandoned. "It is obvious that with the correct management of Family Medicine practice, the burden of seriously ill patients in hospitals will be greatly reduced," he said.

The Burden of Hospitals Will Reduce

In his statement, Prof. emphasized that no patient who is not referred from primary care should go directly to hospitals. Dr. Yeltekin Demirel; “This will both ease the burden on hospitals and enable savings in healthcare expenses. "With a controlled referral system, citizens' problems such as not being able to find an appointment or reaching a doctor will be prevented and it will be possible for urgent and priority cases to receive the right treatment as soon as possible," he said. Prof. Dr. Yeltekin Demirel; "As the TAHUD Vision team, we have made it our mission to come together with all parties and provide the targeted training in order to ensure that family medicine specialty training operates in international norms and quality," he said. In order to restructure Family Medicine, Prof. set out with a well-equipped and visionary academic team for the management of TAHUD. Dr. In Yeltekin Demirel's management team; Prof. Dr. Özgür Enginyurt, Expert. Dr. Çiğdem Akaydın, Assoc. Dr. Esra Meltem Koç, Dr. Lecturer See. Filiz Ak Azar, Specialist. Dr. Halil Volkan Tekayak, Res. See. Dr. Melek Bıyıklıoğlu, Assoc. Dr. Nagihan Yıldız Çeltek and Assoc. Dr. Tolga Günvar is featured.