Pay Attention to Your Children's Friend Relationships!

Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. points out that children contain many elements such as friendship relations, behavioral patterns, empathy, self-esteem and entertainment environment. Dr. Cemil Çelik emphasized that it is known that children who have a good environment of friends achieve success by being influenced by others and reflecting what they do.

"The mistake that family members often make is to put too much pressure on children when choosing friends," said Assoc. Dr. Çelik said, “This situation has an adverse effect on the child and creates a wrong tendency to take undesirable action. "Therefore, special attention should be paid and the child's freedom should be protected," he said.

Assoc. Prof. emphasizes the benefits of early friendships on children's development. Dr. Çelik said, “Research shows that making friends is an important developmental goal for children under the age of seven. Early friendships have significant benefits for children's development. "Friendships developed during the preschool and early school years provide valuable contexts in which children can learn and apply skills related to social, cognitive, communicative and emotional development," he said.


Expert Assoc. Prof. stated that when children interact with their friends, there is a positive increase in their skills such as initiating interaction in bilateral or multiple communication, complying with the order of action, sharing, cooperating, resolving conflicts and having mutual conversations. Dr. Cemil Çelik said, “While children have fun, argue and play together, they have the opportunity to practice basic skills for every future relationship. The ability to empathize is the understanding that others have thoughts and feelings that are different from our own. We need this to be able to take another person's perspective and empathize with them. Empathy involves reading non-verbal cues of emotions during communication. In the context of friendships, children learn that social behaviors such as kindness, compromise, taking turns, self-regulation, assertiveness, playfulness, apologizing, helping and forgiving are necessary for healthy friendships. “Research shows that social relationships in early childhood lead to better emotional intelligence later in life,” he said.


Assoc. Prof. said that families have certain duties in order for their children to make friends. Dr. Çelik said:

“Being friends with your child should not be perceived as replacing your child's friend. Your child should be helped to determine his own limits. Some research shows that children's friendships are based on the behavior of their families. This means that you can teach your child the right behavior by exhibiting the right behavior. You can show interest in your children, play with them, do turn-taking activities, show kindness and empathy, and talk about feelings. You can set a positive example for your child by apologizing when necessary and waiting your turn.”