Shepherd Map Support for Livestock Breeders in Antalya

Antalya Metropolitan Municipality distributed shepherd maps in Yazır and İmecik Neighborhoods of Korkuteli in order to maintain, develop and support plateau and rural animal husbandry.

Within the scope of the 'Shepherd Map Project', Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Agricultural Services Department prepared a step-by-step map of the thousands of years old herd and pasture routes that shepherds learned from their ancestors and carried to this day in the regions where animal husbandry is intensive in Korkuteli. Shepherd maps, which will remain an important data legacy for future generations, were distributed to shepherds in Korkuteli. While the centuries-old routes of rural animal husbandry will be protected with the shepherd maps, it will also support the development of animal husbandry by meticulously recording the data regarding Antalya's sheep farming.


The project, which aims to provide shelter for animals and shepherds in more sheltered and better conditions, aims to prevent shepherds from needing to come down from the plateaus. In the work carried out in this context, new drinking water lines and works to increase comfort will be carried out in the areas where animals gather, in order to avoid negative effects such as drought that may occur due to climate change and precipitation rates. In line with the demands of the shepherds, work has begun on the container shelter.


Continuing to provide feed and veterinary support, the Metropolitan Municipality recently distributed salty mineral stones, known as licking stones, needed by small cattle, to shepherds. These stones, which are extremely important for the development and health of animals, also increase productivity in animal husbandry. A total of 250 kg of licking stones were delivered to thirty headmen in Korkuteli Yazır and İmecik neighborhoods. Distributions will continue in other districts and neighborhoods.


Yazır Neighborhood Headman Mehmet Kocaoğlu stated that they are extremely pleased with the Metropolitan Municipality's support regarding animal husbandry and said, "Our wedding hall is about to be completed, our new drinking water will arrive, our roads are being maintained, in addition to the dough kneading machine, animal feed, veterinary support and finally licking stones for our shepherds." We received support. Licking stones are a product that our livestock farmers always need. Our municipality delivers it to all our shepherds who request it. thank you muhittin Böcek Our president is always with us. "I would like to thank our president on behalf of our neighborhood," he said.


Stating that he is happy with the municipality's shepherd map study, Çoban Ömer Ağıroğlu said, “Our municipality has carried out a comprehensive study on the pastures and routes that we have been using for many years. It is very important to protect these routes and make them more suitable for animal husbandry. It is extremely important for us shepherds to provide new water resources to the pasture areas where we collect our animals and to provide these opportunities for shepherd shelters. We also received our licking stones. As our animals consume these stones, their meat becomes more efficient and more delicious. "We would like to thank our president for thinking about us and supporting the producers and livestock farmers," he said.