President Aydın Accompanied the Barrier-Free Choir

Disabled individuals who are members of Osmangazi Municipality Disabled Care Center (OBAM), which serves to bring disabled children into life, increase their skills and socialize them, organized a special program for April 23 after the training they received from their teachers. The choir consisting of OBAM members and disabled individuals sang the most popular songs.

Osmangazi Mayor Erkan Aydın, who was welcomed with applause by BAREM residents at the entrance of the center, joined the choir and sang the Izmir Anthem with them. After the songs they sang, disabled students performed the last waltz of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. After this show, the zeybek dance and pandonim show were highly appreciated.

The performance of the disabled students, which was as good as the master artists, received great applause from the audience, especially Osmangazi Mayor Erkan Aydın. Osmangazi Mayor Erkan Aydın, Deputy Mayors Sefa Yılmaz and Tolga Kornoşor, families, disabled students and their teachers attended the event. April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day was celebrated enthusiastically at the event organized by disabled individuals.


Stating that he liked the concert and show at the disabled center very much, Osmangazi Mayor Erkan Aydın said, “If we can live here freely today, if our flag with crescent and star can fly, if we can listen to the adhan from the minarets, we experience all of this thanks to the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades in arms and our beloved martyrs. We have come to this day with the Turkish Grand National Assembly, which they established 104 years ago, and the process that continued with the liberation of the country and the proclamation of the Republic. Great Atatürk declared National Sovereignty and Children's Day at the establishment of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The only children's day in the world is April 23. A holiday that does not exist in any other country. As Osmangazi Municipality, we will celebrate with events suitable for this holiday. Today we attended the event organized by our disabled brothers and sisters in BAREM. On Sunday, we will organize events that will last all day and a concert in the evening in Demirtaş Square. We will celebrate National Sovereignty and Children's Day together with official programs on Wednesday, April 23. "Happy holiday." said.

After the event, disabled individuals presented their own handcrafted products to Mayor Aydın.