Direct YHT Flights Start from Yozgat to Istanbul!

High Speed ​​Train (YHT) services between Yozgat and Istanbul will start directly on April 27. Now, dealing with Ankara transfers is over.

Yozgat has introduced the comfort of High Speed ​​Train and will now have the advantage of transportation to Istanbul with direct services. As the President of Sivas Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (SESOB), Hakan Demirgil, heralded last month, “As of April 27, YHT flights between Sivas-Istanbul and Istanbul-Sivas will start. This is a big step for Sivas. "I thank everyone who contributed," and the countdown began for the announced flights.

Local people stated that this development is extremely positive and that they will get rid of the difficulties of reaching Istanbul directly. “In some cases, we had to wait in Ankara to reach Istanbul because the trains were delayed. The expected flights were also crowded in Ankara and it was not possible to find an Istanbul ticket from Yozgat via Ankara. "Now these problems will end and we will be able to reach Istanbul faster and more comfortably," they said.