3 Thousand 108 Meters of Stream Cleaning in Kocaeli in the Last 650 Months 

Climate change along with global warming has brought sudden and irregular rainfall. The effects of global climate change are felt in our region as well as in our country. Sudden and effective rains can bring about many negative conditions. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality ISU General Directorate is making many infrastructure investments throughout Kocaeli in order to take precautions against all negative conditions. In order to prevent floods and raids during sudden rains, new rainwater infrastructure lines, rainwater pumping centers and stream improvement works are carried out along with stream cleaning. As of the new year, ISU carried out a stream cleaning of 12 thousand 108 meters in length within the scope of the stream cleaning works carried out in 650 districts throughout the province.

Teams affiliated with ISU Enterprises, Maintenance and Repair Department and ISU District Services Department continue stream cleaning throughout the province. ISU General Directorate teams, which continue their cleaning work in many different streams within the framework of the program, clean the gravel, sand and plant residues carried by the streams. Waste materials from the streams are taken to storage areas by trucks and disposed of.

With the work carried out, the silt and materials carried by the rainwater of the streams are cleaned and their regular flow is ensured. In addition, streams with regular flows are rendered harmless to human health. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality ISU General Directorate protects nature by ensuring regular flow of streams throughout the year and continues its work to create a more livable environment for Kocaeli residents.